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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

How to Create a "What I Do" Statement That Impresses Potential Clients [On-Air Coaching with J. Kyle Howard]

Have you switched up your career from leadership to consulting and coaching? Are you wondering how to establish your credibility with potential clients, especially when you're just starting?

Do you wish you had a ready response to the "What do you?" question that is engaging and compelling?


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7 Key Decisions for Starting Your Consulting or Coaching Business Right

Let's be real - you don't want to grow your OWN consulting or coaching business for the money. 

If you were in it for the money, you'd stay in corporate...

Your goal is to have a career and business that supports your total life priorities and allows you to use your gifts and passions to...

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How To Write Blogs Your Clients Will Read [On-Air Coaching with Phil Fraser]

Do you know what keeps your ideal client up at night?

Most blog posts aren't helpful to your ideal customer. Not only do you have to know what's on your ideal client's mind, but you need to know what they need - hint - it is NOT the process you are trying to sell.

In this "On-The-Air...

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How to Develop Executives [On-Air Coaching with Don Knagge & Rachelle Stone]

We have all seen aspirational signs in the breakroom, "Honesty, Kindness, Integrity." While these are excellent personal values, they don't translate into measurable behaviors or tools used at the executive level in daily decision-making.

On today's Ask Betsy, I open up my library of resources to...

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How to Find the Exact Words that Attract Your Clients (and Gets them Excited to Work with You)

One of my favorite things to write and talk about is copywriting.

Which for most of my clients - it's their absolute least favorite thing. 

Most of these consultants and coaches love what they do. But they hate the struggle of trying to find the words to describe what they do and write about...

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7 Reasons Why Your Clients Aren't "Getting It" When you Talk and Write About What You Do

One of the biggest challenges that both new and seasoned consultants and coaches face is finding the words to describe what they do.

They go to networking events and try to explain that they are a consultant or coach but instead of getting head nods and curiosity...

...they experience the angst...

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Employee Engagement is Unethical

When I met with three aspiring consultants who are very passionate about parlaying their experience to help companies create healthy work environments and engaged employees. They almost fell out their chairs when I told them that I am starting to see that employee engagement is actually...

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Five Steps to Designing a High-Impact Executive Team Meeting Agenda

Want to know the steps to designing a high-impact executive team meeting agenda? If you're a consultant or coach your answer should be a resounding yet because at some point all consultants will be on the hook to lead a senior team meeting. Meetings get such a bad rap now and are perceived as...

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Consulting vs. Leading

Too many consultants tank their success because they do not clearly understand the difference between consulting vs. leading.

Consulting is a defined role that is distinct from leadership. A consultant is one who helps a leader by framing the problems that the leader is accountable for solving....

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The Heart of Value Propositions - What You Really Offer Clients

“Because relationships are mutual, partners share a single fate; no action benefits one and harms the other.” (Lewis, Amini and Lannon)

Have you ever read a book that you know will change your life? I think my understanding of who I am and what I do as a consultant, mentor, mother,...

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Master the 5 Steps of the Consulting Engagement Cycle: Proven Steps to Accelerating Your Consulting Success

Transition from Corporate Leadership to Consulting with Confidence

Are you new to consulting and unclear about how to deliver results as a consultant, without formal authority or a position on the org chart?

OR are your entrepreneurial dreams held up because you’re just not clear on how...

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The ONE THING You Need to Make a Successful Leap Into Consulting or Coaching

If you are interested in leaving your current job for the potential of running your own consulting or coaching practice, there is only one thing you need. You may think you need a lot of money in the bank and a "rolodex" of potential clients and referrals.

While those things are important, they...

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