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How To Create A Strong Future and Brand Position with Jared Nichols

brand messaging & positioning Feb 10, 2022

Jared Nichols has always been an independent thinker and never wanted to work for someone else. 

I met Jared several years ago when we worked with a company helping us build our online platform and get started creating content. 

Initially, I wanted to interview Jared because he has done a fantastic job carving out a unique position in the market as a specialized futurist. He has expertise that few consultants possess and creates amazing content, especially videos, that attract his ideal client.

During our conversation, what turned my head was that the root of his content creation and thought leadership-worthy message stems from the idea that the future isn't predicted but created.

You're going to hear about his years moving around as an army brat and how he found solace in music. He never learned to read music, so he created his own. Other people don't like the blank piece of paper, but Jared loved it! A blank slate allowed him to envision something he hadn't seen.

Flash forward to today - his consulting business helps clients create the future and not just respond! 

If you got a big vision for your business and your life, but need a jolt of inspiration on how to make it happen, listen in to this powerful interview with Jared.

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • How being yourself gives you the freedom to create a business that aligns with your strengths
  • Why you need to develop intellectual property through content development
  • How Jared leverages his motivations and gains confidence to propel his business forward
  • How Jared is moving into a thought-leadership brand position and not just a sought-after expert 
  • What Jared would have told his younger self that was just starting a consulting business
  • How the future isn't practical if you can't leverage it now

Next steps:

About My Guest:  Jared Nichols is the founder of the NU FUTURIST and creator of The Foresight Academy, a groundbreaking program that teaches leaders and teams the same skills that innovators, industry disruptors, and change makers, use to guide and make the future they want to see. He is also a futurist, executive advisor, and professor of Strategic Foresight at the University of Tennessee’s Haslam College of Business, in Graduate and Executive Education. Jared’s insight and expertise is utilized by leaders across a wide variety of sectors and industries from US Army Special Forces to Fortune 500 companies, government municipalities to entrepreneurial start-ups, as well as his work in Hollywood with accomplished actors, writers, and producers, helping them reinvent themselves and discover new areas for growth both inside and outside the bounds of their industry. Jared is also musician, composer, competitive cyclist, and trail runner living in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife and their two sons. Learn more at www.nufuturist.com

About Me: I'm a Brand Positioning Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand positioning and messaging, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. My mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out my brand strategy, messaging, and design services at https://www.betsyjordyn.com.

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Download my free guide on how to clarify and own your unique position in the crowded consulting and coaching market: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/opt-in

Learn more about my Brand Positioning and Messaging strategy services: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services

Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to get seen and paid as the expert you already are: https://betsyjordyn.as.me/schedule

Related Blog, Video or Podcast Episode:

Amplify Your Brand Image by Writing Books with Roberta Matuson (Ep22)

How to Find and Trust Your Ideas: Becoming a Thought Leader with Dan Weedin (Ep21)

Why Free Content = Instant Credibility (Ep20)

5 Positioning Strategies: Which One is Right for You? (Ep19)

Get Seen as an Expert (Ep18)



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