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Welcome to the
"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

How to Frame Your Consulting and Coaching Services [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Have you ever wondered...

"What services do I offer my consulting clients? How to frame my products and services in such a way that they will be irresistible to executive clients?"

If so, you're gonna love today's training on how to design consulting offers...that convert. 

I walk you...

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How to Write a Consulting Proposal that Lands Six-Figure Fees [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Want to know what a perfect consulting proposal template looks like? Wish someone can take you behind the scenes so you can see for yourself how to structure a consulting proposal that commands six-figures?

Then you're going to love what I'm going to share with you in this video...

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How to Build a Consulting and Coaching Website that Converts [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Do you have a consulting website?

For many consultants and coaches - both new and seasoned - they see their website as nothing more than an online brochure or resume. They believe myths such as "you can't find clients through your website" or "your website plays a small role in your business" and...

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How to Clarify Your Ideal Consulting Client [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Do you know who your ideal consulting client is?

Some people think of an ideal consulting client as someone who would simply be willing to buy their products and services.

Here's the thing: You can do decent work with a lot of different leaders. But you can do AMAZING transformative work...

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2020 Study: Why Smart People Start a Consulting Business (And What Holds Them Back)

So, you want to start a consulting business? Or interested in taking your consulting business the next level?

Most high-achieving professionals at some point in their career dream of ditching the pressure of the 70-hour workweeks and start a consulting business. But there are many factors that...

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How to Consistently Get Consulting Clients...Even if You're Brand New and Just Starting Out

One of the biggest questions that keeps both new and seasoned consultants up at night is, "How do I get consulting clients?" The question that I wished that asked instead is "How do I predictably get consulting clients so I never had to ask this question EVER again?"

Forget one-off marketing...

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Here's a Method for Helping a Leader Hold Employees Accountable

Got a conflict-avoidant client and not sure how to help them? I want to give you some message points to help them understand why holding their employees accountable is in everyone's best interest and some ideas on how to equip them to more effective. 

The Message Points - Why...

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4 Reasons Why Smart Consultants Hate Marketing

One thing that both new and seasoned consultants hate is marketing.

It's the fog of all that marketing entails and the fear that they are going to become some slick used car salesman is what keeps smart people stuck in soul-sucking corporate jobs.

And it's the exhaustion of the constant effort of...

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How Good Companies Become Market Leaders (Without an Infusion of Capital) with Charles Browne

Interview Transcript:

Betsy Jordyn: Hey, it’s Betsy Jordyn of the Consultant’s Institute, and I’m so excited to interview Charles Browne.  And our topic today is really focusing on those product companies.  You know what I’m talking about, the...

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How to Set Yourself Up to Win Against Big Box Firms with Charles Browne

Charles Browne, Master Black Belt Six Sigma Process Improvement Expert found himself as a “consultant for hire” for big box consulting firms.

What frustrated him with this experience was how he wound up missing out on opportunities because of how he was positioned. He would have...

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10 Ways to Use the Fool Archetype to Increase Your Consulting Success

Today is April Fool's Day. Doesn't feel like a day to be pranking each other given the current global health and economic crisis. But that doesn't mean we can't celebrate the Fool archetype.

I am a massive fan of mythology and archetypes. In fact, I love the archetypes so much that I became...

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What The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Means For Consultant Marketing

Oil...water, consultants...marketing. In general, consultants are not the biggest fans of marketing, even in the best of times. The marketing challenge is definitely exacerbated in times like these, when there is a massive threat to our global health and economy.

But here's the deal - how...

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