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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

Four Stories Your Consulting and Coaching Business Needs

I talk a lot about the importance of brand messaging on this show and with my clients 1:1.

And for sure, brand messages are essential for your business - you want to ensure that your ideal client knows what you offer and what makes you unique.

But storytelling takes things to a whole new level.


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Why CEO’s Hire Consultants and Coaches: The REAL Value They Bring with Brad Rex

Today, Brad Rex shares the real reasons why executives hire consultants and coaches. He talks about his exciting career journey, which started at the Naval Academy, then to British Petroleum, and finally to Disney. He applied for a financial manager job at Disney and was one of 1400 candidates....

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Leading with Heart: Lessons from Simon T. Bailey's Latest Book

Simon T. Bailey is my former Disney colleague, and I can't wait for him to share his entrepreneurial journey!

He had four jobs over seven years at Disney, including parking event sales, selling the Braves spring training, handling international wholesale, and being the Sales Director for the...

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Employee to Entrepreneur: Embrace A New Mindset with Denise Musselwhite

Today, Denise Musselwhite shares the moment when she decided to shift from CIO to executive coach and business owner.

Denise had been dreaming of being an entrepreneur for a long time, but the Pandemic inspired her to take the leap. Her research into the challenges that women face in STEM fields...

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Decoding the Profit Puzzle

Have you ever felt you need to make more progress with your consulting or coaching business? Are you tired of hit-or-miss profits and feeling like you're never getting ahead?

Well, it's time to say enough already and go from surviving to thriving!

Today, we decode the profit puzzle and dive into...

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The CURE for Burnout

Today, we’re talking again about burnout and the CURE.

I had a fantastic conversation with burnout expert Rachelle Stone and Lori Smith a few weeks back. I had a sense then I should open up about my struggle with burnout and what I learned from it, but then I chickened out.

I went the safe...

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Embracing Your Expertise: The Importance of Believing in Yourself with Ann Carden

Do you have the mindset and strategies you need to create a thriving consulting or coaching business so you can reach your full potential in your career and life?

Today, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ann Carden, a highly successful consultant and fellow mentor to other consultants.

In this...

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The Art of Figuring Things Out with Michelle Massman

I’m super excited to have my treasured client and colleague Michelle Massman on the show.

During our conversation, we explore the power of taking action and openness to figure things out and its impact on long-term success as an entrepreneur.

Michelle is a seasoned entrepreneur with a ton...

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Overcoming Entrepreneurial Burnout with Rachelle Stone and Lori Smith

If you feel guilty and lazy every time you try to relax, get overwhelmed and easily distracted, want to be more present with your family, and are exhausted, you’re not alone.

Millions of intelligent, accomplished people get stuck in burnout.

Having your own business isn’t a solution.

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The Disney Approach to Organizational Consulting with Harold Hill and Luis Marrero

Want to know how to become a highly effective organizational consultant…the Disney way?

Today's guests are my treasured colleagues Harold Hill and Luis Marrero. The three of us worked together as internal consultants at Walt Disney World before starting our consulting and coaching...

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Top Power Skills Every Organizational Consultant Needs

What are the top power skills that every organizational consultant ought to have? 

Today, I want to connect more specifically with those building an organizational consulting or coaching practice not just because of the money but because they want to make a difference. 

I'm sure you...

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Top Solutions Every Consultant Ought To Know

Today, I'm sharing the top solutions that every consultant should know.

Do you have a goal of growing a high-impact, high-income consulting business? Do you want the control it will give you over your career, to make great use of your experience, and to make a difference?

Here's the problem...

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