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"Purpose to Profits"Ā Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you toĀ 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

Betsy Jordyn International
#24: 3 Reasons We Need to Stop the Myth That Everyone Is a Leader
#24: 3 Reasons We Need to Stop the Myth That Everyone Is a Leader

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One of the biggest myths in organizations today is "everyone is a leader." Sure everyone needs to take full responsibility for themselves and their work as well as become an influencer regardless of positional authority. 

But having the ability to be an influencer...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#25: The Disney Secrets to Performance Excellence
#25: The Disney Secrets to Performance Excellence

I’ll never forget the moment of joy and accomplishment when I was hired as an internal consultant at Walt Disney World back in 1999. It feels like yesterday when I was walking out of Team Disney with my offer and the potential to work for arguably one of the most premier companies in the...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#27: The Disney Secrets to Customer Service Excellence
#27: The Disney Secrets to Customer Service Excellence

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In this week's podcast, I share with you what I learned from my years at Disney about what creates amazing experiences that turn customers into raving fans and brand loyalists.

Why You Need to Listen In

As consultants, everything we do ultimately affects customer...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#28: The Disney Secrets to Exceptional Employee Engagement
#28: The Disney Secrets to Exceptional Employee Engagement

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Employee engagement is not some sexier new term for employee satisfaction. It's actually a total shift the pursuit of employee happiness towards employee motivation.

Employee engagement is all about to what degree employees are rationally and emotionally...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#26: Cultivating Integrity at Work
#26: Cultivating Integrity at Work

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In today's podcast, I am going to reveal the one thing that every organization needs to ensure its long-term success and forever sidestep organizational decline. This one thing isn't cash flow or even a breakthrough product line. It's integrity.

Integrity at work...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#13 3 Steps to Landing High-Paying Contracts
#13 3 Steps to Landing High-Paying Contracts

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If you want to land contracts but hate sales and the idea of asking for higher fees makes you queasy - I got great news for you. You don't have to.

In my podcast from my series Consulting Matters: Mastering the Art & Science of the Business I am going to introduce...

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The #1 Thing Your Client Doesn't Get About Employee Engagement

One of the best things about mentoring other consultants is the opportunity it gives me to reflect on what I do as a consultant and why.

This week our group was exploring the topic of gaining and retaining leadership buy-in and it caused me to stop and really think why this matters so much...

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How to Design the Ideal (and Most Profitable) Consulting Business

If you’re a high-achiever SURELY, you’ve considered starting your own consulting business by now (if you haven’t already.) There is no shortage of advice and mentors that can help you learn how to market and sell yourself. But the reality is…

…Growing a...

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3 Steps to Landing High-Paying Contracts

I want you to land your next (or first!) six-figure contract with confidence.

Are you optimizing your earning power? Are you getting paid what you're worth?

In this video from my eCourse "Contacts to Contacts: How to Land Clients & Establish Long-Term Winning Partnerships" I let you in my...

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Cultivating a Mindset of Imperfection Action: Interview with Consulting Success Founder Michael Zipursky
Interview Transcript:

Betsy Jordyn:     Well hello there everybody it's Betsy Jordyn of the Consultants Institute, and I am so excited to finally be interviewing Michael Zipursky of Consulting Success.  So Michael and I met how many years ago was it, Michael?   ...

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7 Steps to Establishing Credibility with Your Next High Paying Client

Hooray your marketing efforts have paid off! You have a meeting scheduled with someone who has expressed interest in doing work with you. In this article, I want to share you with practical tips on how to leverage this meeting towards establishing your credibility with your future...

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How To Position Yourself as a Peer (and Stay Out of the Dreaded "Pair-Of-Hands" Trap)

Forging a strong client relationship is not a matter of chance. It is the result of choice and whether or not the consultant has taken charge of the positioning process. Unlike other roles in an organization, consultants hold no formal position on the organization chart. It is up to the...

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