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From Transactional Consultant to Industry Leader with Jason Fearnow

brand messaging & positioning inspiring interviews & case studies Sep 30, 2021

How can you evolve from being a transactional consultant to a recognized industry leader?

What tactics need to change? What mindset needs to shift?

I talked about this with Jason Fearnow in this interview.

Jason is an accomplished leader with specialized expertise in large contract negotiations for mega-mining projects.

So when he got laid off unexpectedly, he was immediately presented with consulting opportunities.

One thing led to another, and he found himself with a business, which was great for a while. Until Jason realized he was ready to make a bigger impact on his industry, clients, and the world. In other words, it was time for him to evolve from transactional consultant to recognized leader.

This is when I started working with Jason on his brand messaging and positioning. From the minute I met Jason, I knew we had to approach his brand messaging and positioning work with an eye towards thought leadership.

He had a million ideas for how he wanted to shake up his industry and help leaders in a more substantial way than just offering his technical know-how.

Here's what Jason had to say about the secret behind his transformation from transactional consultant to an industry expert:

"I love about that is that the more I do this, and the more I like, communicate my values and my beliefs, the more people gravitate toward me that have the same ideals so that when you have a conversation with them, the quality of the conversation is so much higher. So, as a result of that - it energizes the heck out of me because I get to be free. I get to express what I'm passionate about. I get to say what I think. And guess what, other people agree but that energy, that that enthusiasm, that excitement, it's infectious."

If you want to express your authentic self, true values, and heart-felt beliefs in your business and use them to catapult you to the next level, watch Jason share his inspiring story.

Jason and I have an open and candid discussion about:

  • Why getting laid off can be the best thing that can happen to your career
  • How to intentional about your business and get the clients you want (vs. settling for the ones that come to you)
  • What it takes to deep reflection work to shift your mindset and confidence
  • Strategies for unearthing your superpowers and big, transformational ideas
  • The freedom that comes from repelling the WRONG clients
  • Why success should be measured first by the quality of your relationships

About My Guest:

Jason Fearnow advises leaders in the mining industry on how to get things done better – more strategic, collaborative and forward thinking. Through his prime contract and mega project consulting and individual and group coaching, he helps his clients focus on creating the win-win relationships that create the best results. Using his 20 years of experience in the mining industry, $45 Billion in prime contract negotiations and his passion for neuroscience, he offers solutions that create high-performance and quality relationships. You can find out more about Jason at his website at

About Me:

My marketing agency and mentoring firm helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand messaging and positioning, create a website presence that position them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. Our mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out our marketing agency services, mentoring programs and courses at


  • Download our FREE guide to kickstarting your entrepreneurial journey and building a business that makes money and a difference:
  • Learn more about our Brand Messaging & Positioning program:
  • Schedule a consult call to talk about creating your consulting and coaching brand and profitable business:

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