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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

Front-Line To C-Suite | Inside The Heart and Mind of Former Disney COO and Experience Steward Jim MacPhee

Do you want to know what executives in world-class companies think about leadership and why they hire consultants and coaches?

Today, I'm chatting with one of my favorite executives of all time, Jim MacPhee, recently retired Chief Operating Officer and self-proclaimed Experience Steward for Walt...

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Five Things To Know About Your Ideal Client

Today, we're talking about the five simple steps to developing your ideal client archetype, which builds on what we talked about in my last two blogs, why people don't get it when you speak and write about what you do and what is ideal client archetype and why you need one. So if you missed...

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Why You Need An Ideal Client Archetype

Seth Godin says, "When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one." 

This quote was a catalyst that completely transformed my approach to growing my own business and helping others do the same. 

It makes sense that as consultants and coaches with tons of skills, certifications,...

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Why People Don’t “Get It” When You Talk and Write About What You Do

Have you ever been asked "what do you do?" at a networking event or just at a party, and despite your best attempt at a response, all you got was blank stares? Or have you spent a ton of time working on website copy, and the response was crickets?

Today we're talking about why people don't get it...

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How To Create the Business and Life You Really Want In Your Second Act

Have you hit the top of your profession or exceeded your business goals and wondered what's next? 

Tune in for insights and tips on taking the daring leap into your second act and the dramatic change that can lead to greater success, significance, and happiness. 

I have big news, on May...

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How to Use Your Love for Learning to Take Bigger Risks with Katie Anderson

Explore the connection between learning and having a learning mindset that drives exponential success with my guest, Katie Anderson.

Katie is a leadership consultant, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and best-selling author.

As your virtual mentor – I encourage you to listen to the...

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How To Use Your Strengths To Sell and Earn More with Leslie Lyons

How can you use your strengths to land more clients and earn what you're worth? 

Leslie Lyons and I do a deep dive into the Enneagram tool and how to use it to sell more effectively and overcome the issues and challenges that cause us to sabotage ourselves and play small.

Today, I'm wrapping...

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How To Pivot From Pair of Hands To Sought-After Expert with Dianna Denney

Get ready for on-air coaching on pivoting your brand and business from pair of hands to sought-after expert with my guest Dianna Deeney.

Be a fly on the wall as Dianna and I tap into her ideal business model (which isn't what she initially had), her unique superpowers, and how she can stand out...

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How To Turn Your Strength Into A Sought-After Brand | Behind The Scenes Tutorial

How do you build a brand?

If you've been listening to my series on "owning your strengths," you want a high income and high-impact coaching or consulting business that leverages your strengths!

Strengths are the key to helping you activate your passion and purpose in the world. You're convinced...

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Step Into Your Power As A Consultant And Coach with Jahaan Blake

Jahaan Blake explores how she let go of the "shoulds" and "ought to's" to become the champion of her dreams in today's conversation on "Owning Your Strengths."

I was Jahaan's first business mentor when she started her business. We worked through her brand positioning as a consultant to the sports...

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How to Find Joy and Confidence in Your Strengths with Jennifer Starns

Do you have your own business? Does it bring you joy? 

Are you thinking seriously about starting your own business and want one that brings you joy but need a push of encouragement?

Get ready for actionable inspiration from Jennifer Starns. She is a seasoned software turned career mentor to...

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How To Align Your Business To Your Superpowers with Renee Brauns

Is your business aligned to your superpowers? 

If not, get ready for some actionable tips and guidance from Renee Brauns to make that happen.

Renee worked her way up into leadership roles. The logical next step in her career was not a repeat of what she's already done but to create something...

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