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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

How to Ditch Imposter Syndrome and Launch Your Dream Business with Dali Hammouch

Say Goodbye to Imposter Syndrome and Hello to Your Dream Business

Got big visions for turning your experience as a corporate leader into your own consulting or coaching business?

Chances are, you also have big fears!

In this must-listen episode, Dali Hammouch, a former Chief...

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Simple Strategies to Create a High-Converting Website with Marty Greif

Transforming browsers into buyers just got that much easier!

Way too many consultants and coaches mistakenly believe that their website is nothing more than an online brochure or resume.

I’m here to tell you – that’s far from the truth.

You can turn your website into a client...

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Disney Executive to Consulting Entrepreneur: Keith Smith’s Journey Beyond the 9-5

Taking the leap into full-time consulting can be hard — here’s how Keith Smith made his transition easier

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’d love to have my own thriving consulting or coaching business?”

Maybe you’re still in your 9 to 5 leadership...

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Proven Pricing Strategies That Boost Your Close Rates And Fees

 Pricing. It’s the dreaded task of figuring out what to charge that overwhelms even the most seasoned consulting and coaching business owner.

What’s also confusing is how to PRESENT those fees in a way that is attractive to a clientwithout the “ick” of coming...

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The Anatomy of High-IMPACT Sales Pages and Proposals

Unsure how to convey the powerful value of your offers. Here’s what you need to know

There’s a six-letter word that reflects one of the biggest reasons why accomplished, mid-career professionals would give up their secure, lucrative career to start their own consulting or coaching...

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7 Offer Mistakes Consultants & Coaches Make (and How to Fix Them)

Ever wonder why your consulting and coaching offers aren’t hitting the mark?

Picture this: A situation where after a consultant or coach pours their hearts into writing copy for their services page on their website or in a proposal and it’s met with deafening silence.

I know I have...

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Chris Hoff’s Guide for Consultants and Coaches Navigating Radical Change

Navigating the murky waters of transition can be an arduous voyage. The fear of the unknown often paralyzes us, causing us to retreat into familiar territories. As your host, I bring you a conversation with Dr. Chris Hoff, a man who boldly ventured into the unknown and emerged with a unique blend...

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Lights, Camera, Impact with Adrian Salisbury: Attract Consulting and Coaching Clients Using Video

Hold onto your headphones as we embark on a captivating journey with Adrian Salisbury, a seasoned professional in video creation and YouTube mastery. Adrian opens up about his entrepreneurial journey, transitioning from a 15-year photography career to harness the power of video, and the inception...

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How to Shape Thinking & Influence Executives with Retired Walt Disney World Parks President, Meg Crofton

In a captivating interview, we had the pleasure of hosting Meg Crofton, former President of Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts.

Meg's impressive journey to the top and her insights on leadership and personal development are truly enlightening. Growing up with a father involved in the space...

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Navigate the Challenges of Parenting and Entrepreneurship with Sari Goodman

Listen in as I sit down with certified parent coach Sari Goodman to discuss the intricate balance between entrepreneurship and parenting. From her transition from school principal to parent coaching, Sari shares how she helps families navigate the often overwhelming journey of raising children...

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The Power of Personal Style in Branding with Mellicia Marx

It's not uncommon to find oneself in a professional rut, yearning for change but hesitant to take the leap. Today, we share insights from a conversation with Mellicia Marx, a personal stylist and brand builder, who successfully transformed her passion for styling into a thriving business. Her...

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Turn Pain Into Purpose: Sarah Gleeson's Inspiring Entrepreneurial Story

From facing financial constraints to overcoming imposter syndrome, the entrepreneurial journey is filled with a myriad of challenges. It requires not just a strong will, but also the ability to turn setbacks into comebacks. Sarah Gleeson, a successful business owner and a personal development...

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