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How to Cultivate an Adventure Mindset with Laura Prescott

brand messaging & positioning heart & mindset mastery Feb 22, 2024

Say Bye-Bye to Entrepreneurial Fear & Self-Doubt and Hello to an Adventure Mindset

Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by fear or doubt as you stand at the brink of launching your own consulting or coaching business or taking your success to the next level?

You’re not alone. I recently read that 70% of entrepreneurs struggle with self-doubt, often leading to missed opportunities or stunted growth.

It’s time to turn this around. I’m not just talking about shifting your mindset from fear to courage or even going from a fixed to a growth or learning mindset. We’re talking about an Adventure Mindset.

To share more about this is Laura Prescott. She is the founder of Wild Woman Coaching and she is going to help you redefine your approach to goal setting and achievement into something exciting and fun, where you can enjoy the journey towards your full potential as a consultant or coach as much if not more than, the destination!

Tune in and discover…

  • [0:02:48]: When to pivot from a career you like to a coaching business that you love
  • [0:23:40]: What is an adventure mindset and how is more exciting and empowering than a growth or even learning mindset
  • [0:30:20]: How to embrace fear with curiosity (instead of judgment)
  • [0:45:42]: Why staying in the present accelerates your future success

So, the next time fear and self-doubt stop you in your tracks and when the learning curve feels steep and overwhelming, try on an Adventure Mindset. Tune into this episode so you can see that everything you need to do to grow your success as a consultant and coach is part of the journey that can be enjoyed.

Want to grow your own consulting or coaching business, thought leadership, and breakthrough brand?

Check out my VIP business mentoring and brand messaging programs, custom-designed to help you get to the heart of what you do as a consultant or coach with the right words that resonate with your clients and get them to want to work with you at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services

About My Guest:

Laura Prescott is a Certified Life and Mindset Coach for women and a passionate hiker and adventurer. She has taken a lot of paths in life, from moving across the country (twice) to leaving her 15-year career as a hairstylist to become a life coach, to thru-hiking the 485-mile Colorado Trail. You can learn more about Laura at https://www.wildwoman-coaching.com/

About Me:

The Enough Already podcast is hosted by Betsy Jordyn. I’m an ex-Disney consultant turned business mentor and brand messaging strategist who helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand messaging and positioning, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. Go to www.betsyjordyn.com to learn more about how I empower consultants and coaches to monetize their best-at-strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world.


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Swipe my Disney Secrets to Leadership, Consulting & Performance Excellence at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/disney

Sign up for a VIP Brand Building & Messaging Experience at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services
Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/betsy-jordyn/

Related Podcast Episodes:

How to Ditch Imposter Syndrome and Launch Your Dream Business with Dali Hammouch (Ep89)

How to Reverse Engineer Your Fear with Roy Bell (Ep27)

The CURE for Imposter Syndrome (Ep4)

Questioning Your Worth? 4 Reasons Why All Consultants and Coaches Do (Ep3)

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