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Go Slow to Grow Fast: The Steps to Sustainable Consulting & Coaching Success

brand messaging & positioning starting a consulting & coaching business Jan 18, 2024

If you want to speed up and sustain your success with your consulting or coaching business – you need to first slow down

Want to know the fastest way to make serious money and impact as a consultant or coach? Spoiler alert – it’s NOT “just getting out there and getting clients.”

I get the desire for instant results and the pressure to replace your salary with business revenue, but it sets the stage for “hit or miss” results which not only jacks with your income but also your self-esteem.

Playing the short game is one the biggest reasons why so many consultants and coaches struggle to achieve their full potential – they find themselves in the chase for clients, under-charging their worth, caught in the “hourly” service provider-for-hire trap, struggling with feeling stuck and confused or just giving up on their entrepreneurial dreams altogether.

But it doesn’t have to be this way and here’s how: Go Slow to Grow Fast.

You know that this works because this is the advice you give others, especially if you are an organizational consultant or coach. It’s time to take your own advice and apply it to your own business so that you can achieve lasting success and scale.

In this episode, I not only share with you how achieving sustainable success is a marathon, not a sprint but also the roadmap to a strong, powerful business foundation and a premium brand image that establishes you as an expert -right out of the gate.

You’ll hear:

  • Why your rush for immediate results can interfere with your long-term success
  • 5 steps to a consulting or coaching business that delivers ongoing profits, using your unique strengths and experiences
  • How to set yourself up to become a thought leader and influencer in your niche

As you dive into the episode, pay close attention to what stage your business actually is in so that you can take action to solidify your business foundation.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [ 03:14]: Why having a “Go Slow to Grow Fast” mindset both accelerates and sustains your success
  • [08:42]: The #1 biggest mistake too many new consultants and coaches that kills their passion for what they do
  • [12:22 ]: How to build a breakthrough brand that attracts your dream clients
  • [15:24]: Why your website can make or break your immediate and long-term results and brand image
  • [21:03]: How to replace scattered tactics with a marketing system that consistently converts clients
  •  [26:35]: You launch, you land clients, you learn and then you have the insight and experience to step up your influence game!

Tune in for a complete guide to your long-term success and significance as a consulting or coaching business owner.

Want more personalized guidance on how to strategically grow your business and breakthrough brand?

Check out my VIP Mentoring and Messaging Programs, custom-designed to help you achieve your full potential as a consultant or coach at www.betsyjordyn.com/services

Other next steps:

Discover your Consulting or Coaching Superpower by taking my free quiz at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/superpower-quiz

Get your Custom Business Development Resource library by taking my free quiz at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/resource-library-quiz

Swipe my Disney Secrets to Leadership, Consulting & Performance Excellence at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/disney

Sign up for a VIP Brand Building & Messaging Experience at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services

Connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/betsy-jordyn/

Related Podcast Episodes:

How to Start Your Coaching Business from Scratch in Less than 90 Days with Kimberly Bolton (Ep91)

How to Ditch Imposter Syndrome and Launch Your Dream Business with Dali Hammouch (Ep89)

Disney Executive to Consulting Entrepreneur: Keith Smith’s Journey Beyond the 9-5 (Ep87)

How to turn the BEST of your Career into Your Own Business with Lori Smith (Ep10)


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