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How to Find Your Voice as a Consultant, Coach, or Speaker with Vocal Coach Sara Giita Flores

heart & mindset mastery inspiring interviews & case studies Jan 25, 2024

Why finding your voice is the key that unlocks your consulting or coaching potential

Finding your voice isn't just about getting on the stage as a speaker; it's the main thing you need to launch your business, create compelling content, write that book you've dreamed about, and yes, take the stage with confidence. Without it, you don't just feel unheard; your entire vision risks fading into the background.

I know what it's like to search for the right words, grapple with self-doubt, and have it stand in the way of your goals as a consultant, coach, writer, and speaker. It's a tough spot when your ideas don't get out there and you’re not making the impact you know is possible.

Can you relate to this silent struggle?

If so, this episode is for you. Join me as I sit down with Sara Giita Flores, a speaking coach and author of the book Unleashing Your Goddess Voice, to guide us through this maze of vocal discovery. Together, we'll explore how to articulate your message with clarity and confidence – from the networking event to the stage as a keynote speaker.

So tune in and discover…

  • [0:02:22]: How to tell if you’re using your authentic voice (and why you might repress it)
  • [0:09:40]: The real reason why most of us hold ourselves back from speaking our truth with confidence (even we got something important to share)
  • [0:16:55]: Compassionate strategies for overcoming the four visibility fears
  • [0:26:33]: Why you’ll get better ideas if you open yourself up to divine inspiration, even if you’re not spiritual or “woo” type of person
  • [0:37:17]: How to be more confident and effective on stage, even if you never delivered a speech before
  • [0:47:20]: The surprising role that setting effectiveness boundaries plays in your ability to use your voice with power and communicate effectively

So if you’re tempted to play small and stay silent, tune in and start to believe the #1 thing you need to take your place as a thought leader and influencer – your voice matters. What you have to say means a lot to the people you want to help through your consulting and coaching.

Want to grow your own consulting or coaching business, thought leadership, and breakthrough brand?

Check out my VIP business mentoring and brand messaging programs, custom-designed to help you get to the heart of what you do as a consultant or coach with the right words that resonate with your clients and get them to want to work with you at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services


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Swipe my Disney Secrets to Leadership, Consulting & Performance Excellence at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/disney

Sign up for a VIP Brand Building & Messaging Experience at https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services

Connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/betsy-jordyn/

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