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Plan for 2024 While Enjoying the Holidays with Stephanie Anderson Ladd

inspiring interviews & case studies Dec 14, 2023

Tips to prepare your business for a restful holiday season and a prosperous new year

Imagine this: It’s January. You re-engage with your business and client work excited and ready to create greater success and impact in the new year.

You look back on your time off and smile at the memories you created. You were fully present with all the holiday festivities and took advantage of your well-deserved downtime (i.e., the reason you became an entrepreneur in the first place, right?)

You look forward to 2024, because now you have a clear vision of what you need to do to finally start your dream consulting/coaching business, market yourself more effectively, land more of the right clients that you can make a difference with, or step up your influence and impact as a thought leader.

Sound good to you? If so, you’re going to LOVE this episode where chat with author and therapist Stephanie Anderson Ladd. 

Pop in your earbuds to discover powerful self-care strategies during the holidays, using archetypes from myth, literature, and history that are way more engaging than those proverbial “self-care bubble baths or massages.”

We also talk about how to simultaneously look back at 2023 and look forward to 2024 and how to use both perspectives to craft meaningful business intentions and goals for the new year. 

Here’s what you’ll discover:

(0:00:00): How to use myths and archetypes for self-care that powers your success through the holidays.

(0:06:30): Why embracing your creative side is your secret weapon for self-discovery during the festive season.

(0:18:33): What makes meditation your holiday lifesaver for career and life success.

(0:31:09): When to balance work and family time to stay present and avoid holiday burnout.

(0:36:31): How to choose gifts that bring joy and meaning to your holiday moments.

(0:50:19): How to reflect on your past year and set intentions that truly resonate with you.

(1:05:48): Secrets to laying out a visionary game plan for 2024 during the holiday calm.

Happy holidays to you and your loved ones. Listen in and remember to use the downtime to balance spending time with loved ones, taking time for yourself, and planning for the new year. May 2024 be the year that all your business visions and dreams come true.

About Me:

I’m a Business Mentor and Brand Messaging Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand messaging and positioning, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. Go to www.betsyjordyn.com to learn more about how I empower consultants and coaches to monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. 

About My Guest: Stephanie Anderson Ladd is a psychotherapist, feminist, and archetypal explorer. Her practice focuses on the psychological and spiritual means to better understand the Self. You can learn more about Stephanie at www.stephanieandersonladd.com

My Top Episodes of 2023

In case you missed them, here are my top podcast episodes of 2023:

  1. How to Shape Thinking and Influence Executives with Retired Walt Disney World Parks President, Meg Crofton (Ep81)
  2. Leading with Heart: Lessons from Simon T. Bailey's Latest Book (Ep63)
  3. The Long Game with Author, Speaker, Consultant, and Broadway Lyricist Dorie Clark (Ep71)
  4. Embracing Your Expertise: The Importance of Believing in Yourself with Ann Carden (Ep59)
  5. Create a Soulful and Profitable Business with Puja Madan (Ep73)
  6. Overcoming Entrepreneurial Burnout with Rachelle Stone and Lori Smith (Ep57)
  7. The CURE for Burnout (Ep60)
  8. How to Use LinkedIn to Attract Your Dream Clients (in Less Time) with LinkedIn Expert Lisa Kanda  (Ep68)
  9. Why CEO’s Hire Consultants and Coaches: The REAL Value They Bring with Brad Rex (Ep64)
  10. Lights, Camera, Impact with Adrian Salisbury: Attract Consulting and Coaching Clients Using Video (Ep82)

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