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How to Conduct A Market Scan And Find Your Niche

brand messaging & positioning relationship-based marketing & sales starting a consulting & coaching business Oct 20, 2022

Does the crowded consulting and coaching marketplace intimidate you and hold you back from what you could be doing to launch or grow your business?

I've got GREAT news! You can stop worrying about the competition because today, I will teach you how to conduct a market scan and find your niche.

The best strategy for dealing with competition is to make the competition irrelevant.

For the last couple of weeks, I've been talking about networking, which I thought was a break from my Brand You series, but the reality is – what makes you a great networker, market scanner, and brand builder are the same skills – it's all about listening and tapping into needs.

Today, I'll walk you through the seven steps of your market scan and how to mine for the intel around what makes you unique and how you can stand out – even if you're brand new and just starting. 

Before we start – let's define a market scan. A market scan is when you talk to former clients and potential clients so you can better understand them better. It's when you try to see the world from their perspective, how they define and describe their problems, the options they consider, why those options fall short, and identify the unmet needs in the market.

Armed with this intel, you'll be able to:

  • Figure out the best way to position your consulting and coaching.
  • Identify a competitive angle.
  • Mine messages that make clients feel like you're reading their minds
  • Create products and services your clients will want to buy.

Now that we're clear on what is a market scan and why it's valuable listen to the episode to get into the seven steps!

Next steps:

  1. Start small by simply getting curious, especially when people call you for help. If you're going to probe on anything, probe to understand pain, goals, and human needs. 

  2.  Then talk to former clients.

  3.  If you're unsure which way you want to take your business and it's holding you back from getting your website done or getting out there and marketing yourself, this is your chance to get powerful group help! Head to www.betsyjordyn.com/academy for more information, or drop me an email at [email protected]

Connect on LinkedIn:

About me: Betsy Jordyn is the founder and CEO of Betsy Jordyn International, a boutique branding firm that offers personalized mentoring and end-to-end creative design services to help high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs build profitable consulting and coaching businesses that they love. Betsy is the host of the weekly Enough Already podcast, blog, and YouTube channel, with over 300 episodes. Through her company and her content, she is on a mission to empower accomplished professionals to make the shift from success to significance and achieve their full potential in their careers and in their personal lives.


Download my free guide on how to clarify and own your unique position in the crowded consulting and coaching market: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/opt-in

Learn more about my Brand Positioning and Messaging strategy services: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services

Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to get seen and paid as the expert you already are: https://betsyjordyn.as.me/schedule

Related Blog, Video, or Podcast Episode:

How to Build a Networking Strategy, On-Air Coaching with Vern Schellenger

How to Make Your Contacts Count with Vern Schellenger

What Is A Brand And Why Do You Need One?

Architect Your Business Joy with Jodee Peevor

Back to the Basics in Leadership and Life with former EVP of Operations for the Walt Disney World Resort Lee Cockerell




Are you interested in starting your own business or getting your existing consulting or coaching business to stand out in the marketplace? Then, check out my FREE resources to help you get instant traction and accelerate your success! Click here for free goodies.



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