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Purpose to Profits Academy

The ultimate action-learning community for consultants and coaches who want to get better and more consistent results from what they are doing to attract and land clients.

Join now - starting at ONLY $297
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New Series

High-Converting Presentations & Webinars

Between May 21 - July 30th, 2024 - we're kicking off a new series to help us hone our presentation skills to both engage our audience and motivate them to work with us directly.

If you're uncertain how to inspire your audience at a heart level and how to set up a webinar that gets people who have been on your email list or your network for a while to become paying clients, join the Academy now 

It's time to get momentum and consistency with what you're doing to get clients

But you're tired of trying to figure it out on your own

Your dream consulting and coaching business is up and running.
You're excited about using your experience, wisdom and guidance to help others.

Only problem? You're not quite sure how to attract and land those clients.

You have learned a lot about marketing and sales from listening to podcasts, watching webinars and asking for advice from colleagues who have been at it for a while. 

You know WHAT you could be doing to get clients - like posting on social media, going to networking events, writing blogs and emails and so much more. 

The big question is HOW do you do all those things?
And which ones are the best for a consultant and coach like you?

Some real talk...

It's not just the tactics about marketing and selling yourself as a consultant and coach that's overwhelming. 

It's how you're feeling about it. 

The fear of coming across as salesy.
The worry about how marketing fits with your values.

Hi, I'm Betsy Jordyn. This is why I created the Purpose to Profits Academy.

The Purpose to Profits Academy is my exclusive, virtual, community for heart-centered, purpose-driven consulting and coaching business owners who are passionate about making money AND a difference.

Join this action-learning mastermind community for:

  • Proven marketing & sales strategies
  • Time-saving tools
  • Easy-to-follow templates
  • Revenue-generating copywriting skills
  • Community support

Purpose to Profits isn't about doing more. It's about achieving better results from what you're already doing to get clients in a way that it's alignment with your values around service and integrity...

...without the overwhelm of figuring it out on your own.

Learn how to join...for as little as $297

Why New & Seasoned Consultants & Coaches Join the Purpose to Profits Academy

"This program gave me a small tribe of wonderful, beautiful, human beings to collaborate without judgment. I was able to narrow my focus and rid my mind of confusion as to what value I would offer and realize that I have spent my entire life building the business you have showing me how to build."

Jah Kyle Howard
Transformational Life Coach

"As a result of the coaching, mentoring, training and the awesome people I met in this mastermind, I am clear about what I have to offer, who I love to serve, how to monetize my skills and am no longer scared or anxious about work. I was able to submit my first proposal to a client, even before my official business launch!"

Jennifer Starns
President, The Jennifer Starns Group

"This program gave me so much confidence. Having others to brainstorm marketing systems and tactics with was so helpful. To listen to each other on what makes things work for them give me confidence to stick to a marketing plan and land new clients."

Len Doevendans
President, The Doevendans Consulting Group

Join the Purpose to Profits Academy Now

Choose Your Subscription Plan


$297 USD/month



$2997 USD/year


Got questions before you sign up? No problem. Either email me at [email protected] or schedule a free call. 

✆ Book a Free Call

The Top 6 Benefits of the
Purpose to Profits Academy

Connect with Like-Minded Peers

Replace those colleagues you lost when you left your 9-5 with a new community of like-minded peers who share your goals, values and struggles.

Market & Sell Yourself with Ease & Integrity

With the training, templates, and tools you'll get in this program, you'll confidently and strategically build a predictable client pipeline, that fills your dream clients.

Connect with Leads, Clients & Referrals

Go into any networking event, client meeting, or boardroom knowing exactly what you need to do and say to establish your credibility and make meaningful connections. 

Write Better Copy & Content 2-3x Faster

With the copywriting training and fill-in-the-blank templates, you'll be easily churning out compelling copy for your proposals, website, emails, and social media posts.

Feel Empowered to Own Your Worth

Our community will keep you from playing small or settling for less than your potential. You'll get the strategies, tools, support, and courage to set fees that reflect the remarkable value you create.

Achieve More with Less Stress...In Less Time

With your client acquisition on auto-pilot, you'll have the mental space, time, and finances to fulfill all your career aspirations and life priorities. 

But above all else...

Have a LOT more fun growing your business.

You don't have to go it or grow it alone.

Together, we'll accelerate our success.

How the Purpose to Profits Academy Works...

Weekly LIVE Masterclasses & Group Coaching

Join us LIVE each week over Zoom where I'll offer expert training and coaching on all things marketing, sales, copywriting, and persuasive communication.

We meet on Tuesdays from 3-4 pm EST. Sessions are recorded if you miss any. 

Click here to preview the 2024 Curriculum Plan

Ongoing Support & Community

Between our sessions, you'll get access to ongoing support from me (Betsy Jordyn) and the community via WhatsApp. 

Here you can ask your real-time questions, and share your wins and best practices so we can all stay motivated, accountable, and focused on achieving our goals.

Complete On-Demand Video Training Library

You'll get access to all past Purpose to Profits Academy recordings PLUS my entire library of business development online courses, designed exclusively for consultants and coaches.

You'll discover step-by-step how to build your breakthrough brand, design a credible website, network like a pro, get started in SEO and so much more!

Done-For-You Swipe Files, Templates, Scripts & Frameworks

You'll get access to a ton of resources that will make it super-easy to market/sell yourself with confidence, ease, and integrity.

Included: website templates, discovery meeting script, proposal template with writing prompts, pricing calculator, LinkedIn profile template, networking event script and so much more!!

Click here to preview the 2024 Curriculum Plan

What People Accomplish After They Join

"This program helped me to gain perspective on the 'perfectionist-procrastination-syndrome' and create marketing plan that works best for me. I'm no longer overwhelmed and have an approach that I'm confident will produce results."

Carlien Doevendans
Mid-Life Coach


"This program was exactly what I needed to get my business launched. What I learned through the lessons and the camaraderie with the other participants who were working towards the same goals gave me the confidence to fully commit to my own success. I'm clear on value I bring to my ideal clients and what to do on a daily to attract them."

Ayana Knowles
Sales & Marketing Consultant

"Before this program, I felt like the best kept secret. My marketing efforts had been falling flat, I was all over the place. Having others to brainstorm marketing systems and tactics with was so helpful. Now I have a marketing strategy! I'm more confident, less stressed and more assured that I can do this!"

Christina Dyer
President, Noble Adventures

Join the Purpose to Profits Academy Now

Choose Your Subscription Plan




  • Monthly LIVE Masterclasses & group coaching
  • Private community online portal and forum 
  • Complete library of consulting/coaching business development courses
  • Done-for-you marketing & sales scripts, templates and tools



All that's included in the monthly membership 


  • Get TWO months free (save $567)
  • (2) 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with me  (value: $997)
JOIN NOW & PAY ANNUALLY (and Get Extra Bonuses) ➔

Got questions before you sign up? No problem. Either email me at [email protected] or schedule a free call. 

✆ Book a Free Call

2024 Purpose to Profits Academy Curriculum

Note: Plans may adjust based on emergent needs and priorities identified by the community. 

Plus you also get...

Access to our replay library of past events. Some of the topics we have covered include:

  • Discovery meeting steps and script
  • Writing winning emails
  • Closing the deal steps and script
  • How to deal with objections
  • Overcoming client resistance
  • Pricing strategies
  • Building a marketing system
  • Anatomy of high-impact sales pages
  • List building 101
  • How to use Chat GPT
  • Proposal writing
  • Marketing & Sales Mindset

“I am still floored by how much I've learned through this program - and how much I still do not know. Betsy’s knowledge and understanding of the consulting process, the systems she has created, the simple language she uses to explain things is simply amazing.”

Rachelle Stone,  
President, R. Stone Consulting

"This program permanently changed the way I view my business. Although new to consulting, I now see how I bring a wealth of experience and education that is worth significant value to future clients... and I'm not intimidated by asking for what I'm worth. I'm not an expense; I'm an investment."

Frederick Griffin, 
CEO, Griffin & Associates

Other burning questions your fellow consultants and coaches ask before joining the Purpose to Profits Academy

Still on the fence?

Let’s chat!

I get the significance of what it means for you to join THIS program, even at the low starting price point of $297.

You want confidence that I’m the right person who can equip you with the skills YOU need for YOUR success. And you want validation that THIS membership community is truly right for you.

You can either email me your questions at [email protected] or hit the button below to book a free call.


Join the Purpose to Profits Academy Now

Choose Your Subscription Plan




  • Monthly LIVE Masterclasses & group coaching
  • Private community online portal and forum 
  • Complete library of consulting/coaching business development courses
  • Done-for-you marketing & sales scripts, templates and tools



All that's included in the monthly membership 


  • Get TWO months free (save $567)
  • (2) 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with me  (value: $997)
JOIN NOW & PAY ANNUALLY (and Get Extra Bonuses) ➔

Got questions before you sign up? No problem. Either email me at [email protected] or schedule a free call. 

✆ Book a Free Call



Take my quizzes to get instant access to CUSTOMIZED consulting/coaching business and brand building & message creation resources.

Your Personalized Business Building Library

Answer 4 simple questions to get your custom-designed playlist of the Enough Already podcast, along with free resources and tools, to help you accelerate the growth you want to see in your business RIGHT NOW.


What's Your Consulting or Coaching Superpower?

Take my short quiz to discover how to leverage the power of your unique strengths to create meaningful value for your consulting and coaching clients and to grow your business - YOUR WAY!


Getting the right words to describe the unique value of what you do can feel impossible - especially if you have a lot of strengths and experiences. I can help you get to the heart of what you do as a consultant or coach and give you the right words that resonate with your clients and gets them to want to work with you!

Need help? Email me.

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