
The Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox

Get the Strategies, Skills, Tools, and Templates You Need to Accelerate Your Success in Organization Development

This program shows you step-by-step how to master the skills and confidence to excel in Organization Development - whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out 



The Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox

Get the Strategies, Skills, Tools, and Templates You Need to Accelerate Your Success in Organization Development

This program shows you step-by-step how to master the skills and confidence to excel in Organization Development - whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out 


Helping consultants and coaches work with companies like...

Who is this for?

Are you wanting to break into Organization Development but not sure where to start?

Do you want to make a more strategic impact on the executives and organizations you now serve but struggle with being pigeon-holed into a tactical role?

Are you frustrated that you don’t have the access to the decision-making circles and executive meetings where you know your insights could make a significant difference?

If so, you’re not alone.

I get it and am here to help!

It’s been more than 30 years since I earned my masters and got my start in Organization Development as internal OD consultant at Walt Disney World.

I struggled with getting my seat at the table…at first.

Until I figured one key thing: No one was going to invite me to the table. I had to take charge of how I was positioned and how my expertise was leveraged.

I went to work at integrating with proven OD theory, with practical real-world best practices, templates and tools that gave me the strategic credibility to influence executives and make a powerful impact.

I used these insights to turn my Disney career into my own highly successful consulting business, advising executives in world-class companies all around the world, like AAA, Wyndham, CHEP, BBA Aviation and Boehringer Ingelheim.

Now, I want to give you access to everything I have developed and mastered to help you accelerate your success in Organization Development. The time is now for purpose-driven leaders, consultants, and coaches like you to step up their influence game and help organizations thrive in the midst of unprecedented change and complexity.

Imagine this...

Stepping into your dream role as an OD consultant, feeling a surge of confidence and fulfillment with each strategic decision you make.

Guiding top executives through transformative change...

witnessing their excitement as they embrace your innovative ideas and strategies.

Establishing yourself as a trusted advisor,

respected for your expertise and insights, with executives seeking your guidance on critical organizational matters.

Being invited to high-level decision-making meetings,

where your voice is heard and valued, shaping the future of the organization.

Securing prestigious contracts with industry-leading companies

eager to tap into your strategic OD expertise.

Witnessing the tangible impact of your work

watching employees flourish, engagement levels soar, and the organization thrive.

Embracing the sense of purpose...

knowing that you are making a significant difference in the lives of individuals and the success of organizations


The Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox

Step-by-Step Video Training and a Treasure Trove of Proven Frameworks and Ready-to-Use Swipe Files & Tools to Elevate Your Organizational Consulting Training from Novice to Expert in Less Than 30 Days...

...WITHOUT spending thousands of dollars and hours in grad school or getting a special certification!

By the end of this program you will have...

Clarified Your Ideal Positioning Strategy

based on who in the organization is your most likely buyer and why they would hire a consultant like you 

Written an Irresistible  Proposal

that will make your future client excited to partner with you and eager to pay you what you're worth

Expertly Conducted an Organizational Assessment

even if you have never conducted an interview or focus group before and have no idea what questions you would ask

Developed the RIGHT Consulting Solution

that is guaranteed to create remarkable immediate and long-term client results

Crafted Your Solution Implementation Plan

that accelerate results while avoiding expensive, time consuming and resistance to change

Crafted Your Measurement Plan

that gives your clients rock-solid proof that working with you is an investment that delivers a powerful return

"As a world class coach, consultant and leader, Betsy possesses a unique expertise guiding leaders to higher awareness." 

"Using her wealth of experience, Betsy helped me uncover root cause challenges, see the broader context and drive toward higher valued opportunities. As a result, I am able to truly be an investment for my clients and not an expense to be managed."

Roy Bell, Agility Coach

And the best part?

I'm absolutely thrilled to offer you the incredible opportunity to choose your own price for the Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox!


Join me on my mission to ignite organizations that are equally committed to people, purpose, and profit.

By choosing your own price, you not only gain access to a wealth of resources to enhance your consulting practice, but you also contribute to making a difference in the world. As part of my commitment to giving back, 50% of the profits generated from the Toolbox will be dedicated to providing micro-loans through Kiva.

Kiva is a renowned non-profit organization that empowers entrepreneurs in underserved communities worldwide by providing them with access to micro-loans. These loans enable individuals to start or expand their businesses, lift themselves out of poverty, and create a better future for themselves and their families.

By investing in the Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox, you are not only investing in your own growth but also contributing to the economic empowerment of individuals around the globe. 

Choose your price and be a part of this transformative journey.

(Retail value $599, suggested minimum fee of $10 to cover processing fees)



"Last year, after a 10-year financial plateau, I doubled revenues after working with Betsy. She introduced me to resources that have proven to be invaluable. Not only was last year the most productive that I’ve experienced, I felt more relaxed and had more time to spend with family."

Christian Muntean,
President, Vantage Consulting

"I am impressed with the quality of what I have received. I have been able to secure a number of contracts and projects as a direct result of the information shared by Betsy. I would recommend Betsy to anyone interested in taking the next step in their business growth journey."

Harold Hill,
President, Harold Hill Consulting

"This program had a huge impact on the way I think about my consulting practice. It brought much greater focus and simplicity to the way I handle challenging and complex consulting engagements. My confidence in asking for high-value contracts has increased significantly."

Laura Gallaher,
President, Key Talent Solutions

What's Inside the Consultant's Toolbox

The Organizational Consulting Training Toolbox takes you by the hand through the 5 phases of the Consulting Engagement Cycle. All course materials, including videos, MP3’s, application exercises, tools, and swipe files are within a user-friendly online portal. (Click below to read full module summaries)



Ready-to-Swipe Templates, Guides & Agendas

Never invest another minute online searching for proven frameworks and consulting tools! You'll get access to the actual templates and tools I have personally used to land and deliver multiple six-figure consulting engagements with companies like Disney, Wyndham and AAA.

What You’ll Get:

  • Proposal templates and examples to ensure that land clients that will treat and pay you as an expert and an investment.
  • Question bank of the 250 more powerful questions to ask people in interviews and focus groups so that you deliver an organizational assessment that gets to the heart of what's behind performance challenges.
  • Meeting agendas and participant workbooks to help you instantly deliver strategic consulting solutions like strategy, organization design, leadership development and more! 

Inside the Organizational Consulting Training alone, you get...

6 Implementation Modules

showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to land high-paying consulting clients and deliver results - guaranteed!

Actionable Best Practices

to accelerate your success - without having to invest a ton of time and money getting extra certifications or advanced degrees.

People, Process & Profit Focus

to amplify your impact and help you influence senior leaders to equally care about customers, employees and business results.

A Proven Consulting Framework

you can trust so you can boldly land work in new companies, industries and even countries with the peace of mind that you can handle any client situation or opportunity with competence.



  1. Choose your own price
  2. Get  access to a wealth of resources to enhance your consulting practice
  3. Make a difference in the world - 50% of the profits generated from the Toolbox will be dedicated to providing micro-loans through Kiva.

(Retail value $599, suggested minimum fee of $10 to cover processing fees)



Burning questions your fellow consultants and coaches asked before enrolling in the Organizational Consulting Training

"The Consultant’s Toolbox has been a fantastic resource for me. It’s the best source of information and education for consultants that I have come across. I’ve already used the information to help my business and I keep the cheat sheets ready to go on my phone."

Ron Higgs, 
Founder and Principal Consultant, 
Wolf Management Solutions

"Through this program I developed a better appreciation for the client perspective in the consulting partnership.  What questions do they have that need answers? With Betsy's help, I learned to focus on helping companies solve problems - rather than on just selling my own services."

Anthea Rowe,
President, Rowe Communications

"Betsy’s Toolbox provides the practical knowledge you need to feel confident in the practice of being a consultant. Completing it is like an MBA but with real tools, you can use immediately."

Dave Saliaris, 
CEO, Saliaris Consulting Group

If you're thinking "this sounds incredible but I'm not 100% sure, keep reading...

You should give the Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox a shot if you're motivated by any of the following:

You want to make a difference in organizations.

You have worked those 70-hour workweeks. You have given up on your hobbies and missed those crucial events that are important to you because of all the pressure to deliver on those immediate results.

You know that there is a better way for organizations to create results and deliver value to their customers. And you want to be a part that solution - that's why you're a consultant. 

You don't have time to reinvent the wheel.

You know that there are new skills to learn now that you have a career where you're creating results without formal authority or official place on the org chart.

BUT you don't have the time, money or interest to get an advanced degree or special certification and here's why:

You're not looking for theory. You want a proven consulting framework you can trust and that takes into consideration the PEOPLE aspects of consulting.

You don't want to settle for less than your potential.

That means that if you don't want to get caught in the chase for smaller paying consulting contracts or get stuck in those labor intensive, paid-by-the-hour consulting gigs where you find yourself working as many hours as you did when you were an employee.

You want to land the type of consulting engagements where you're paid for your wisdom, not time and where you're positioned and leveraged as the expert that you are. 

You In?

This is your chance to enroll in The Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox. So, what's it gonna be?

Will you put your trust in me and my 20+ years of advising executives in world-class organizations like Disney, Wyndham and AAA and 10+ years of helping other consultants and coaches do the same?


(Retail value $599, suggested minimum fee of $10 to cover processing fees)



Let's change the senior leader at a time!

Leadership today is more complex than ever! The best leaders today are agile, emotionally courageous, inclusive and innovative...but they don't get there on their own. They get there by working with smart, strategic, heart-centered consultants and coaches like you. 

That's why there is no time to waste on trying to figure out how to work with executives on your own and/or searching online for best practices. 

I got the idea for the Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox almost 10 years ago when I was a part of a global community of consultants where I kept seeing posts on our online forum like, "I just landed an organization design project - anyone have any tips?" or "I'm trying to create an assessment - anyone know what questions to ask?"

 And my response was "YES!!!!" Not because I'm special - but because of my experience as an internal consultant at Disney.

One of the things my leader had us do was create an intranet site where we captured all of our consulting approaches and best practices so matter where we were on property, we had what we needed at our finger tips. 

When I left Disney to start my own business, I was able to quickly grow my revenue from $0-$300K within 18 months because I knew exactly how to land clients and deliver results. I didn't have to search online for best practices. I had them on my computer. 

I don't want you wasting precious time trying to figure out how to help executive clients because they need you NOW.

There is an urgent need for you at the table. And I'm here to help you every step of the way. 

I can't wait to meet you and guide you inside the Organization Development Consultant's Toolbox. 

Let's do this! Let's change the world senior leader at a time.



Enroll in the Organizational Consulting Training Toolbox Today!

(Retail value $599, suggested minimum fee of $10 to cover processing fees)



“I am still floored by how much I've learned through this program - and how much I still do not know. Betsy’s knowledge and understanding of the consulting process, the systems she has created, the simple language she uses to explain things is simply amazing.”

Rachelle Stone,  
President, R. Stone Consulting

"This program permanently changed the way I view my business. Although new to consulting, I now see how I bring a wealth of experience and education that is worth significant value to future clients... and I'm not intimidated by asking for what I'm worth. I'm not an expense; I'm an investment."

Frederick Griffin, 
CEO, Griffin & Associates

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent my programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When I present revenue and sales figures on my website and my other channels, I am showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information I present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which I have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running a consulting or coaching business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, I  provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use my site and access my content, you agree that I am not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of my products or services. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request.