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The Art of Figuring Things Out with Michelle Massman

inspiring interviews & case studies Feb 16, 2023

I’m super excited to have my treasured client and colleague Michelle Massman on the show.

During our conversation, we explore the power of taking action and openness to figure things out and its impact on long-term success as an entrepreneur.

Michelle is a seasoned entrepreneur with a ton of experience navigating the ups and downs of running her own business. 

In this episode, she shares her secrets to long-term success, which include taking action while being open-minded and flexible on your specific business model, products, and services. So get ready to take some notes as we dive into the art of figuring things out!

About the guest: For almost thirty years, Michelle Massman has guided, launched, directed and overhauled everything from small start up ventures to multi-million dollar private companies. Currently MIchelle as an On-Demand Vice President for busy entrepreneurs and business leaders who want targeted, actionable advice, through a variety of business coaching, micro-coaching options. Massman Companies Inc provides consulting services in the areas of entrepreneurship, marketing, brand partnerships, event production and music management. Michelle is also vice president of Tonic Sol-fa and a managing partner for the Shaun Johnson Big Band Experience. With a reputation as a problem solver, connector, advocate and a persuasive force with contagious enthusiasm, Michelle focuses on creating connections that are both meaningful and successful.

Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-massman-6629236/ 

About me: Betsy Jordyn is the founder and CEO of Betsy Jordyn International, a boutique branding firm that offers personalized mentoring and end-to-end creative design services to help high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs build profitable consulting and coaching businesses that they love. Betsy is the host of the weekly Enough Already podcast, blog, and YouTube channel, with over 300 episodes. Through her company and her content, she is on a mission to empower accomplished professionals to make the shift from success to significance and achieve their full potential in their careers and in their personal lives.  

Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/betsy-jordyn/


Download my one of my free resources to help you accelerate your success: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/downloads 

Learn more about my brand messaging and positioning services: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services 

Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to nail your messaging and rock your copy so you can stand out in the market and attract clients: https://betsyjordyn.as.me/schedule 

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