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Overcoming Entrepreneurial Burnout with Rachelle Stone and Lori Smith

heart & mindset mastery Jan 19, 2023

If you feel guilty and lazy every time you try to relax, get overwhelmed and easily distracted, want to be more present with your family, and are exhausted, you’re not alone.

Millions of intelligent, accomplished people get stuck in burnout.

Having your own business isn’t a solution.

The solution is to have a business you love that aligns with your total life priorities. If you don’t have that yet, let’s talk. You can book a call with me to make this happen at www.betsyjordyn.com/schedule.

Listen to my conversation with burnout expert Rachelle Stone and fellow consultant Lori Smith on why we struggle with it and what to do.

What's next:

  • Create your transition plan from corporate to entrepreneurship 
  • Make sure your business aligns with your values and set boundaries
  • Book a call to discuss creating a business that aligns with your values www.betsyjordyn.com/schedule

Rachelle Stone: Rachelle believes that no one should EVER burn out of a career they love, and that includes YOU! Her greatest passion is coaching high performers who are in, or at risk of, burnout. Rachelle has been through it and has come out the other side wiser, stronger, and happier than she was before, and you can too with the right support. Are you at risk? To chat about what's going on and to see if coaching is the right avenue for you, book a call here: https://calendly.com/rstoneconsulting/lets-brainstorm

Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rstoneconsulting/

Lori Smith: For over 20 years, Lori has worked in complex, matrix organizations. She combines her financial expertise with operations, project management, and process improvement to help clients achieve their growth goals faster and harmoniously among stakeholders. Lori has the ability to mediate and find a balance between what the customer wants, what the team needs, and the financial results that all businesses demand. Learn more at https://lorismithconsulting.com

Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lori-smith-a60075136/

About me: Betsy Jordyn is the founder and CEO of Betsy Jordyn International, a boutique branding firm that offers personalized mentoring and end-to-end creative design services to help high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs build profitable consulting and coaching businesses that they love. Betsy is the host of the weekly Enough Already podcast, blog, and YouTube channel, with over 300 episodes. Through her company and her content, she is on a mission to empower accomplished professionals to make the shift from success to significance and achieve their full potential in their careers and in their personal lives.  

Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/betsy-jordyn/


Download my one of my free resources to help you accelerate your success: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/downloads 

Learn more about my brand messaging and positioning services: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services 

Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to nail your messaging and rock your copy so you can stand out in the market and attract clients: https://betsyjordyn.as.me/schedule 

Related Blog, Video, or Podcast Episode:

The Disney Approach to Organizational Consulting with Harold Hill and Luis Marrero
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The Pair of Hands Trap: What Keeps Consultants From Strategic Client Partnership
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