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Turn Pain Into Purpose: Sarah Gleeson's Inspiring Entrepreneurial Story (Ep78)

Can you imagine turning past pain into purpose and stepping into your true potential? How about overcoming financial obstacles and imposter syndrome? Our guest for this episode, Sarah Gleeson, passionately shares her transformative journey of achieving exactly that.

Sarah’s story is a riveting saga of resilience, which she narrates with candor and courage. Once a victim of a con man in the world of personal development, she fought to regain trust, while simultaneously wrestling with the guilt of feeling like a hypocrite in her own life. Sarah managed not only to survive but to thrive, all thanks to her unwavering determination. She transitioned from consulting to mentoring and coaching, and along the way she learned to silence her inner critic. Sarah's insights on overcoming imposter syndrome and the power of personal stories to drive empathy are truly insightful and inspiring.

This episode also explores Sarah's evolution as a business owner. From getting her business up and running, to finding her niche, and understanding the importance of both business and psychological aspects of success, Sarah shares it all. Her belief in the transformative power of coaching and mentorship, and her goal of leading people to their maximum potential, paint a roadmap for personal and professional growth. She also emphasizes on how past pain can be turned into purpose, and how activating your life can lead to long-term success. So, tune in and let Sarah's story inspire you to break free from your past and embrace your future with hope and positivity.

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • How to overcome obstacles and find clarity
  • About overcoming imposter syndrome in the entrepreneurial journey
  • How to discover your purpose and niche
  • About turning past pain into purpose
  • How to activate your life

Where to dive in:

(0:00:01) - Overcoming Obstacles and Finding Clarity (14 Minutes)

Sarah Gleeson shares her long journey of becoming a successful business owner. She had to overcome a lot of obstacles and heartbreak along the way, taking different programs and courses to try to gain clarity on what she wanted to do and how to help people, but it never quite worked out. Finally, she had to learn to trust the world of personal development leaders after being the victim of a con man, and it was a pivotal moment in her journey. We discuss Sarah's backstory, the journey it took to get to where she is now, and how she regained her trust and confidence.

(0:14:22) - Overcoming Financial Obstacles in Personal Development (5 Minutes)

Sarah shares her story of the pivotal moment when she realized she was really helping people turn their pain and challenges into something meaningful. She talks about the struggles she faced growing up in a culture of secrecy, and how she had to overcome the guilt of being a hypocrite. Sarah also gives her advice on how to help people overcome embarrassment and imposter syndrome when it comes to investing in their business and themselves.

(0:19:13) - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Entrepreneurial Journey (5 Minutes)

Sarah's journey from consulting to becoming a mentor and coach is explored. She overcame imposter syndrome and learned to not compare herself to others. Every dollar spent and every experience, even those that didn't seem to have a direct return at the time, have served her in her journey of becoming a successful business owner and coach. She also shares how she met the host and how their relationship has evolved over time.

(0:24:03) - Discovering Your Purpose and Niche (10 Minutes)

We discuss the importance of finding your niche and understanding how to utilize your own personal stories to explain it. Sarah was able to get her business up and running by taking a course. We look at how Sarah overcame imposter syndrome and how her connection with people improved when she allowed her personal stories to drive her empathy.

(0:34:22) - Discovering Purpose and Mentorship in Coaching (4 Minutes)

Sarah shares her journey of learning to believe in herself and how she was able to get her business off the ground. She also talks about how mentors can help people to believe in themselves until they can believe in themselves. Through her journey, Sarah found that her goal is to be a coach and a leader, leading people to a place that brings out their best selves and their maximum potential.

(0:38:43) - Turning Past Pain Into Purpose (14 Minutes)

Sarah explains the importance of understanding both the business and psychological aspects of success. She shares how a supportive team of mentors and coaches has helped her build her own business. We also look at how Sarah develops thought leaders from those who have faced difficult situations, and how her Purpose Project program and podcast helps guide people to find their voice and use it to make a positive impact in the world.

(0:52:48) - Activating Your Life (1 Minutes)

Sarah's journey to activating her success is explored. The importance of having a supportive team of mentors and coaches to help along the way is highlighted. Sarah shares her story of overcoming imposter syndrome and learning to trust herself and her ideas. Finding one's niche and the power of personal stories to explain it are discussed. The need to understand both the business and psychological aspects of success for long-term success is also discussed.

About my guest: Sarah Gleeson is a passionate trauma alchemist dedicated to helping individuals transform their pain into purpose. Her mission is to guide and empower others as they embark on their journey of healing, self-discovery, and project creation. With a deep understanding of the transformative power of trauma, she believes that our greatest challenges can serve as catalysts for growth and personal fulfillment. Drawing from her experiences and extensive research in the field, Sarah provides a safe and compassionate space for individuals to explore their past, heal their wounds, and unlock their true potential.

About me: Betsy Jordyn is a Brand Positioning Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand positioning and messaging, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. Her mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out her brand strategy, messaging, and design services at https://www.betsyjordyn.com


Download my one of my free resources to help you accelerate your success: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/downloads 

Learn more about my brand messaging and positioning services: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services 

Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to nail your messaging and rock your copy so you can stand out in the market and attract clients: https://betsyjordyn.com/schedule 

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