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"Done For You" Website
Copywriting for Complex Consulting & Coaching Businesses

Get the persuasive words for your website that turns browsers into buyers (without the stress or angst)

✆ Book a Call to Get Started

What you do is complex, but your copy should be simple.

You know this - and that’s why you’re stuck.

Your leadership career trained you write in technical jargon and industry-speak which is now working against you while you sit down to write copy for your website.

You know you need the right words for your website that will resonate with your clients, but you got a massive case of writer’s block.

It is time to turn this around!

What you do is complex, yes...

...BUT we’re good at simplifying it!

Work with Us

Let my team of copywriters who get what you do craft copy for your website that engages your future clients...

...in a fraction of the time it would take for you to do this on your own.

Our goal is to help you get the words you need for your website so that you can finally launch your business and make money doing the consulting and coaching that you love.

We’ll help you:

  • Attract the right clients to your website
  • Establish your credibility and warm up leads
  • Turn website visitors into potential clients
  • Have a writing team who gets what you do

Finding the Meaningful Words to Make the Right Impact Has Been a Total Gamechanger!” 

"After working with Betsy and her copywriting team, I now have the intentional words that would make the right impact to my audience. My copy, skills and confidence has grown, which has been a gamechanger for me both professionally and personally."

Sarah Gleeson, President, Sarah Gleeson International

Ready for a Credible Online Platform that is Working 24/7 to Attract and Convert Clients?

Price for a typical 5-7 page website: $8750 PLUS Free LinkedIn profile copy!


Here's How It Works

Step 1: Book a call

We’ll chat about your website goals, how many website pages you'll need and your timeline


Step 2: We'll Nail your Messages

Sit back, relax, and talk while I interview-the-heck-out-of-you so we get crystal clear about precisely what you want to communicate to your ideal client on each website page and in each content block.

Step 3: Get Compelling Copy 

My copywriting team will turn your messages into copy that speaks directly to your clients, builds trust with them, and gets them act – either get on your email list or better yet book a call to learn more about working with you!

Step 4: Follow Up Support

You’ll get six months access to the Purpose to Profits Academy, a mastermind community designed to equip you with the strategies, skills, and peer support for growing a consulting and coaching business. You’ll get weekly peer training in all things marketing, content creation, closing the deal and more along with an online forum and opportunities to participate in live retreats.

Step 5: Get Your Website Done!

Have the words you need to complete your website and online platform that you can proudly direct clients to and use as a foundation of all of your marketing.

✆ Book an Intro Call to Get Started

Burning questions your fellow consultants and coaches ask before signing up "Done for You" Copywriting

Ready for a Credible Website that Converts?


What to say next time someone asks what you do.

Download my FREE guide to help you explain what you do with clarity, confidence and credibility.

Getting the right words to describe the unique value of what you do can feel impossible - especially if you a lot of strengths and experiences. We can help you get to the heart of what you do as a consultant or coach and give you the right words that resonate with your clients and gets them to want to work with you!

Need help? Email me.

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