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Top Power Skills Every Organizational Consultant Needs (Ep55)

What are the top power skills that every organizational consultant ought to have? 

Today, I want to connect more specifically with those building an organizational consulting or coaching practice not just because of the money but because they want to make a difference. 

I'm sure you have personally lived through those 70-hour workweeks that took you from your hobbies and time with your family. And have experienced the crazy decisions in service of 90-day numbers that impacted your career opportunities.

And now that you have broken free of your golden handcuffs and escaped your 9-5, you want to make sure no one else experienced what you did. So, now you want to land work where you can influence change and create organizations that are equally committed to people and profits. 

The big question is how do you establish your credibility, with the positioning to speak truth to power so they will listen?

Here's what many consultants and coaches try to do that won't work:

  • They try to get their foot in the door in any way, thinking once they are there, they can all of a sudden be seen as a strategic advisor like making a lunch and learn, saying yes to whatever comes along and taking subcontractor gigs.
  • They get super aspirational in their marketing, thinking they will attract clients who want to create purpose-driven, people-centered organizations.
  • They get aggressive or shameless self-promot-y

But the real solution is to cultivate the personal power skills of an organizational consultant that are highly learnable. 

One thing I have learned over my almost 30-plus years of consulting – while there are executive unicorns who will share your idealistic visions of a balanced approach to leadership, like Mark Johnson (in episode 42) or former Disney COO Jim MacPhee (in episode 40), the majority won't. 

You have to meet them at their point of departure and use your power skills that I'll be sharing in this episode to influence them in a better way. 

Now, there's only so much I can share with you on a podcast about practically using these power skills and how everything else we have been chatting about in these organizational consulting series fits together. 

For this reason, I'm super excited to tell you about my hot-off-the-presses new free masterclass, "How to Make Money and a Difference as an Organizational Consultant." 

Want a Proven Framework for Making Money and a Difference as an Organizational Consultant? Click Here for a Free Masterclass to Get my Insider Secrets >>>

In this masterclass, I'll be sharing step-by-step the solution that empowers you to achieve your income AND impact goals as an organizational consultant. It's completely free, so definitely sign up now: www.betsyjordyn.com/consulting-masterclass

Now, onto the top 5 personal power skills of an organizational consultant…

Where to dive in:

[01:48] What consultant and coaches do to be seen as a strategic luncheon that doesn't work!

[04:55] Hear about the first power skill you need to see how the entire organization works together.

[09:18] Understand why understanding and accepting politics are essential, but not enough.

[14:52] Learn about proactive advocacy and why it's critical to the consulting or coaching process.

[25:41] Why you need to use an approach that uses your power skills to reduce pushback and create real change based around client goals.

[32:41] Recap of the highly learnable power skills every organizational consultant needs.

Next steps:

  1. The key is developing these power skills is to let go of that "I should already know how to do this" myth, especially if you have a leadership and corporate background. The thing is – consulting is not the same as leading. It's a new job with new skills, and the beginner's mind will fast-track your progress. 
  2. Identify which of these skills you most want to learn right now.
  3. To help accelerate your consulting success and your mastery of these organizational consulting and influence skills – for sure sign up for my masterclass, How to Make Money and a Difference as an Organizational Consultant: www.betsyjordyn.com/consulting-masterclass. I'll go into more depth on the consulting engagement cycle in this program, the hidden barriers to connecting with executive buyers, and more. You'll also get an opportunity to get a big discount on the Consultant's Toolbox along with other extra bonuses. 

Stay tuned for next week, as I have a special treat for you. I'm bringing a few Disney colleagues onto the show, and we'll be chatting about our experiences with our OD consulting team and how they have taken the lessons in unique ways into their consulting practices.

About me: Betsy Jordyn is a Brand Positioning Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand positioning and messaging, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. Her mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out her brand strategy, messaging, and design services at https://www.betsyjordyn.com


Download my one of my free resources to help you accelerate your success: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/downloads 

Learn more about my brand messaging and positioning services: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services 

Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to nail your messaging and rock your copy so you can stand out in the market and attract clients: https://betsyjordyn.as.me/schedule 

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