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Secrets To Consulting Excellence (Ep52)

Ready to take your place as a trusted advisor and strategic partner to the C-Suite? 

Today, I am sharing my secrets to working with the C-Suite in this first episode of my new Organizational Consulting 101 Series.  

More and more people want to leave corporate to start their own consulting or coaching businesses for so many reasons:

  • They want control over their career, time, and earning power
  • They want to make a significant difference
  • They want to help younger versions of themselves, or they want to create healthier work environments

And out of all the businesses they could start, many choose to consult or coach because of the difference they want to make in the world. 

Are you Ready to Be a Consultant
& Executive Advisor? Click Here for a Free Quiz to Find Out >>>

So, to achieve these impact and income goals – they want to advise influential senior leaders in organizations.

Marketing and all things related to marketing and getting clients are the #1 pain point for new and seasoned consultants and coaches. And this is a pain point we're all aware of as we make the transition from employee to entrepreneur, but there's more involved with this marketing challenge than meets the eye. 

A second challenge is the transition from leader to consultant or coach, which is a whole new job requiring very different skill sets and perspectives, which I'll share more about in this episode.

Before I hosted this business podcast and had my brand positioning, messaging, mentoring, and brand marketing agency, I was an internal organization development consultant at Walt Disney World.

Disney is where I got my start. I had the great fortune of landing this dream job when I was about to turn 30 years old, and I had the opportunity to work with and advise exceptional leaders on visible, strategic projects like the DAK brand relaunch and the Basics project.

When I left Disney to start my own business, I grew it quickly from $0-$300K within 18 months because I knew how to work with executives and their teams. I learned how to influence them and create results without positional authority. And I'll be sharing these fundamental principles in this episode.

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • How your role as a consultant or coach is NOT as a contract worker or extra pair of hands
  • Why your client is not the organization
  • Why your position will never be on the org chart
  • Why orgs don't care about your title of consultant, coach, or trainer
  • One of the main reasons people fail as consultants to the C-Suite

Only personally powerful consultants and coaches can speak truth to power. Tune in for the secrets you need to succeed in the C-Suite. 

Where to dive in:

[5:22] Hear about the quiz I created to help you determine if you're ready to be a consultant or executive advisor. Get it at: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/consulting-quiz

[6:00] Number one secret to consulting success and working with the C-Suite.

[09:35] Why consultants need to remember that the client is not the organization. 

[14:34] Why the position for a consultant is never going to be on the org chart.

[18:41] Hear why organizations don't care whether you're a coach or a consultant.

[24:00] Learn the big reason you won't succeed in the C-Suite until you accept this key reality.

[34:51] Betsy recaps the five secrets to consulting excellence and why your role is important. 

Next steps:

  1. Download my free quiz will help you assess your current level of political savvy and five other attributes of in-demand, influential organizational consultants, coaches, and executive advisors. www.betsyjordyn.com/consulting-quiz 
  2. If your marketing messages and strategies aren’t getting you in front of the corporate buyers you want, let’s work on this. Head to my website at www.betsyjordyn.com/services to learn more about my 1:1 business and brand strategy mentoring. 
  3. Next week, I’ll be talking about the Pair of Hands positioning trap (and other positioning traps) that way too many consultants and coaches fall into that keep them from influencing the change that they know is possible for their clients and earning what they worth. So hit subscribe now wherever you’re listening, so you don’t miss it. And be sure to let your colleagues who want to work with executives know about it too. 

Want a Proven Framework for Making Money and a Difference as an Organizational Consultant? Click Here for a Free Masterclass to Get my Insider Secrets >>>

About me: Betsy Jordyn is a Brand Positioning Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand positioning and messaging, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. Her mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out her brand strategy, messaging, and design services at https://www.betsyjordyn.com


My FREE Masterclass, How to Make Money and a Difference as an Organizational Consultant, will walk you through my proven framework for landing clients and influencing executives in organizations like Disney, Wyndham, and AAA. You’ll discover the single solution for achieving both your impact and income goals.

 Organizational consulting and coaching is the ideal career path for high-achieving professionals who want to achieve both success and significance. And if you’re not sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Register for my FREE Masterclass and get ready to take your place as a trusted, sought-after advisor to the C-Suite.

Related Blog, Video or Podcast Episode:

How To Explain What You Do with Clarity and Confidence (Ep51)

How To Conduct A Market Scan And Find Your Niche (Ep50)

How to Build a Networking Strategy, On-Air Coaching with Vern Schellenger (Ep49)

How to Make Your Contacts Count with Vern Schellenger (Ep48)

Four Parts of a Well Positioned Consulting or Coaching Brand (Ep47)