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How to Discover Your Purpose in Your Consulting or Coaching Business

brand messaging & positioning starting a consulting & coaching business Aug 02, 2019

Are you at a point in your career where you're starting to ask life's big questions:

Who am I?

What do I want?

What is my purpose?

Then you're going to be relieved that I put together this video to help you start finding answers. 

Let me give you a few things to think about as you watch this video:

  • Questioning your identity and wondering about your values isn't a sign that everything is falling apart (even though it feels that way.) It's actually an indicator that everything that is TRULY important to you is trying to come together.
  • You're not alone with these questions (even thought it feels that way.) There are others who have hit the top of their profession and wonder why it doesn't feel as satisfying as expected.
  • Finding your purpose is an inside out experience. You'll tap into your authentic self when you look inside yourself and are honest with what legitimately makes YOU happy (and not what everyone tells you should make you happy.)

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