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3 Steps to Landing High-Paying Contracts

relationship-based marketing & sales Mar 29, 2018

I want you to land your next (or first!) six-figure contract with confidence.

Are you optimizing your earning power? Are you getting paid what you're worth?

In this video from my eCourse "Contacts to Contacts: How to Land Clients & Establish Long-Term Winning Partnerships" I let you in my insider secrets to transforming a small request for a tactic such as a training or short-term coaching assignment into a larger and long-term consulting engagement.

I am passionate about about this topic because how you well you handle contracting conversations defines your consulting potential in terms of:

  • Your earning potential
  • Your labor intensity
  • Your client positioning and credibility

My partnership set up approach to landing clients has been the key to my success. Within 18 months of leaping from my high-profile role at Walt Disney World into full-time consulting business ownership, I grew my revenue from $0 - $300,000. I didn't achieve these results  because I was some marketing guru or had a commercially published book. It was because I knew how to make the most of every single lead and opportunity. 

This program is a part of my Consulting Success System -

The A-Z blueprint for the profitable steps you need to take to launch a consulting business, land clients and deliver results with excellence.

Through on-demand videos and access to my personal library of actual consulting methods I have used with my clients, I show you step-by-step what it takes to sidestep "feast or famine" income cycles and experience sustainable, long-term success. 

Now, back to the details on landing the deal. Do you know the best way to increase your close rates and per contract fees?

My guess is that this is the part of running your own business that you find the most challenging and causes you the most anxiety. It's right here where the rubber hits the road. This is the place where you have to directly ask your future client to work with you, to come up with fees that represent your worth and have to navigate the tricky world of client resistance and objections. 

So, watch this video and get the big picture of the 3 steps to landing high paying clients

The first step I share is literally the most essential step of your entire consulting engagement. It is such a crucial part that defines you how much money you can make and how you are perceived by your future clients. It will make or break if you are seen as an essential strategic partner or an optional contract worker or extra "pair-of-hands."

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you quickly establish trust and credibility with highly influential (and high-ego) clients?
  • Are you effective in pivoting client conversations from their wants to their real needs?
  • Do you know how to speak the language of business and connect the dots between your expertise and tangible business results?

When you can say "yes" to these questions with conviction, you will be ready to land your next six-figure contract.

After learning some steps to landing contracts, you must be wondering about how to write proposal templates. Swipe mine and get paid for the value you create.

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