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Thought Leadership Accelerator

Strategic guidance for consultants & coaches ready to use the power of their great ideas to attract more clients and become
a recognized, sought-after expert and influencer

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Thought Leadership Accelerator

Strategic guidance for consultants & coaches ready to use the power of their great ideas to attract more clients and become
a recognized, sought-after expert and influencer

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✔ Be seen as an expert
✔ Inspire more people
✔ Grow your following

It's time for you to step up your impact and be seen (and paid) as an expert and thought leader

But, you're not quite sure how (and what you'd write/talk about)

You love the work you're doing with your clients and you KNOW you're making a difference.

But you have this inkling that you could be impacting more people. 

You imagine yourself with your own podcast or YouTube channel, finally writing that book that you have been thinking about or taking stage as a keynote speaker.

But you're stuck. 

You don't know where to start.

You have so many ideas but you're not sure which ones are the best.

You're a great technical and academic writer and can teach workshops, but storytelling and engaging the hearts and minds of your audience? It's all new!

How can you step into thought leadership when you're so overwhelmed and confused?

Some real talk...

It's true that there is a lot to learn when you're a first-time podcaster, blogger, YouTube influencer, and speaker. 

And then there's this other sneaky fear that is standing in your way:

Imposter syndrome. Fear of Being Seen!

"Why would anyone listen to me?
What if I put myself out there and no one responds?"

It feels vulnerable and uncomfortable. And it's completely normal. 

Hi, I'm Betsy Jordyn. This is why I created the Thought Leadership Accelerator VIP Experience.

The Thought Leadership Accelerator is a personalized one-on-one experience designed to transform you from an amazing consultant and coach into a sought-after expert and thought leader.

During our time together, you'll get the in-depth coaching, training, and guidance you need to build a content marketing foundation that expands your impact AND attracts clients to you. 

You'll discover and own your breakthrough idea and core message and why you're the perfect person to share it with the world. 

And you'll be equipped with the skills, templates, and tools to help you consistently churn out remarkable content with far less overwhelm.

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Why Experienced Consultants & Coaches Sign up for a Messaging & Marketing Makeover

"Betsy helped me confidently explain what I did, land more clients and offer inclusive programs (vs. undervalued hourly offers)" 

"The way I was describing what I was doing were not hitting the target. Betsy helped me figure out what sets me apart from others in the field and create a program of inclusive services, instead of an undervalued hourly offer. I am more clear and confident about what I offer and comfortable explaining what I do   

- Sari Goodman, Parenting Coach

"I now have a website the is a perfect representation of my brand that appeals to and converts clients!" 

I was relying on networking and word of mouth get clients which made it hard to scale my business. Betsy helped me get clear on who my client is, the problems I solve and the solutions I provide. She helped me build a website that is not only a perfect representation of my brand and resonates and appeals to potential clients. I've already closed over $200k in new sales!

- Scott Martin, CFO on Demand

"Since working with Betsy we are winning more meaningful and profitable work and every contract we bid for!" 

We were struggling with landing the client jobs we most wanted to win and going after larger contracts. Betsy helped us refine how we communicated our value to potential clients. As a result, we have landed all contracts we proposed. We are confidently pitching and winning more meaningful and profitable work.  

- Peggy Riley & Hilary Duwe, Branding Strategists & Designers

What we'll be doing together to transform you into a sought-after expert & thought leader

Identify your Breakthrough Idea 

Using my signature "Listen to Your Life" Inventoryyou'll uncover the theme of your life story and the lived wisdom you want to pass on to others and turn it into a controlling idea that will direct, inform, and organize how you create and present your content. 

Choose your Thought Leadership Container

Should you start a blog? Podcast? YouTube channel? Become a speaker? You'll figure out which is the best platform for you to initially get your ideas out to the world that maximizes your strengths and reflects the preferences of your audience.

Strategic Show Launch Plan

We'll create a strategic plan to confidently and efficiently launch your podcast, blog, or YouTube channel. I'll also hook you up with my personally vetted experts who will give you the additional platform-specific tools, training, and guidance you'll need.

Brainstorm 90-days of Content Ideas

Together (along with support from Chat GPT and Ubersuggest) we'll brainstorm 3 months of content ideas that showcase your big ideas AND attract clients. 

Create your Content Creation System

We'll also come up with a content creation system, show note templates, and ideal members of your content creation support team to help you efficiently develop AND publish your remarkable content.

Content Repurposing Plan

You'll grow your impact and influence, without having to create more content! We'll create a plan for how you'll repurpose each piece of content into social media posts, graphics, freebies, audio/video clips, and more!

This 30-day VIP experience is a combination of

mentoring + think partnership + brand building

custom designed to draw out of you and organize the ideas that you're destined to share with the world, and give you the inner confidence to step onto platforms of greater influence.

How the Program Works

Laser-focused VIP Day & Coaching Sessions

3-hour Zoom session to uncover your big breakthrough idea, your ideal content platform, and strategic launch plan + 2 follow-up Zoom calls to brainstorm content ideas, creation system, and repurposing plan.

Content Calendar & Templates

Use my ready-to-use content creation templates, with writing prompts to guide you when creating and scheduling blog posts, podcast episodes, videos, shownotes, social media posts, emails, and more!

Introduction to Vetted Experts

I'll hook you up with the very people who have helped me produce and publish the volumes of content I have created over the last 15 years. They know HOW to get your ideas out to the world.

30-Day Hotline

Through unlimited email and WhatsApp access, you'll get real-time content reviews and critiques to improve your content quality, alignment to your brand promise, and message and conversion.

You may be wondering:

How do I know I'm ready to be a thought leader?

Easy answer - because you want to.

If you're at this point on this page, I'm convinced that you do want to step up your influence. It's just some imposter syndrome that's in your way. 

We'll tackle this and any other fears that show up on your path to thought leadership.

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Meet Katie Anderson, internationally recognizing author, speaker and consultant scaling her success to the next level

Katie was ready to elevate her impact, brand prestige and earning power. 

Together we clarified her most profitable client and creating messages that resonated with this audience. We created a new trusted advisor program and restructured her sales process and proposals. We also gave her website a makeover to better showcase the depth of her expertise as a speaker, coach and consultant.

As a result, she has been able to land work faster, step up her pricing, serve more clients and make a bigger impact.

Read the Full Case Study

"Betsy helped me dramatically up-level my coaching rate and premium brand image" 

"As a result of working with Betsy, I now have better offers and a new trusted advisor program that has allowed me to step up my pricing, serve more clients, make a bigger impact, without adding on a lot more work."

Katie Anderson, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Consultant & Coach

Let's work together to

Transform you into a Thought Leader

with clarity and confidence in your big breakthrough idea and strategies and tools to help you consistently churn out remarkable content.  

Programs are custom designed to fit your needs, learning style, time and budget and start at $4999. Payment plans are available. 

✆ Book a Call to Get Started



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Answer 4 simple questions to get your custom-designed playlist of the Enough Already podcast, along with free resources and tools, to help you accelerate the growth you want to see in your business RIGHT NOW.


What's Your Consulting or Coaching Superpower?

Take my short quiz to discover how to leverage the power of your unique strengths to create meaningful value for your consulting and coaching clients and to grow your business - YOUR WAY!


Getting the right words to describe the unique value of what you do can feel impossible - especially if you have a lot of strengths and experiences. I can help you get to the heart of what you do as a consultant or coach and give you the right words that resonate with your clients and gets them to want to work with you!

Need help? Email me.

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