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Your Superpower Is More Than Your Strengths (Ep28)

Are you ready to find your superpower?

Even though you've taken personality tests and can easily list your strengths, you may still be unclear about what you do that makes you unique and intensely valuable to the people you want to serve.

You might even know how your approach to consulting or coaching differs from others, but you can't isolate that point of differentiation or what drives it. 

When you are operating from your superpower, you are in flow, confident, and bold! When you're in this zone of genius, you make more and work less or feel like you're working less because you're doing what makes you happy!

Here is one reason it's hard to really find your superpower:

Strengths are a great description of what we're innately good at and better at than others. But this language isn't sufficient for describing our genius or superpowers because I believe genius is more than what's in our DNA. It's about gifts that we are given for this life that reflect our purpose and joy! The word genius comes from Latin and means "attendant spirit present from one's birth."

We need to get beyond personality tests that give you yet another list of your strengths and weaknesses. Instead, we need language that conveys the power of your being, how you show up with your clients, and what you activate in them. 

We need the language of archetypes.

As you listen to this episode, think about which family of archetypes feels most like home to you. Do not focus on where you're successful or proficient, but zoom in on what feels MOST like you - in your core.

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • How strengths aren't enough to reflect what truly makes you great 
  • Why you need to find an archetype based on what's in your heart and not what you "should" be like
  • How finding your superpower impacts your brand differentiation

Where to dive in:

[1:33] Why you can't find your superpower by only looking at your strengths.

[3:39] Archetypes are the universal language of the soul. Hear about how you see them in everyday life and media.

[6:26] Hear about the four families of archetypes based on how people approach work and how to discover which one is right for you.

[7:14] Tune in for more about the Visionary Family and famous Visionaries like Walt Disney.

[9:10] Hear about the Sage Family, how they step in after Visionaries, and famous Sages like Oprah.

[10:46] Learn more about the Caretaker Family, where they place their value, and famous Caretakers like Ted Lasso.

[12:53] Hear about the Warrior Family, how they serve relative to other archetypes, and famous Warriors like Erin Brockovich.

[14:00] Discover why it's so hard to find your superpower and identify your archetype.

[14:53] The quick test to know the difference between the four archetypes. 

Next steps:

  1. Start to notice these four families of archetypes all around you. These four show up all the time as a unit. In the Wizard of Oz, you have Dorothy the Visionary/Dreamer, Scarecrow the Sage, Tin Man the Caretaker, and the Lion, who should be the Warrior but is operating in his shadow. That's a different story for a different day. You can see these four in the original Sex and the City – with Carrie the Visionary, Miranda the Sage, Charlotte the Caretaker, and Samantha the Warrior.
  2. Pay attention to yourself and what is your true native way of being in the world (without the shoulds and expectations).
  3. Pay attention when people come to you for help and advice and what they are asking. For example, do they want your help seeing a situation differently, finding words, or creating images to describe something they see? If so, you might be a Visionary. Do they ask for your wise advice and counsel, or do they ask you to fix something or help them plan? If so, you might be a sage? Do they come to you for comfort, guidance, training, and support? Do they need your help connecting better with others? If so, you might be a Caretaker. Do they need your help getting their butt in gear and getting things happening and moving? If so, you might be a Warrior. 

About Me: The Enough Already podcast is hosted by Betsy Jordyn. I'm a Brand Positioning Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand positioning and messaging, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. My mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out my brand strategy, messaging, and design services at https://www.betsyjordyn.com


Download my free guide on how to clarify and own your unique position in the crowded consulting and coaching market: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/opt-in

Learn more about my Brand Positioning and Messaging strategy services: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/services

Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to get seen and paid as the expert you already are: https://betsyjordyn.as.me/schedule 

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