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From C-Suite Executive to C-Suite Coach with Adam Schwartz (Ep13)

Get ready for a powerful conversation on the journey from C-Suite executive to C-Suite consultant with my guest Adam Schwartz.

When Adam was unexpectedly laid off from his role as Sr. VP of Communications for Wyndham Vacation Ownership, he knew that more was going on for him than just a career transition. So he didn't blindly accept opportunities for C-level positions in other companies he received. Instead, Adam paused to look inward and find answers to important life questions around who he was and what he wanted.

This sacred crossroads is where he and I started to work on his brand messaging and positioning. And instead of the typical two months, it wound up taking four years - which was precisely the right thing for Adam. 

In our highly vulnerable and open conversation, Adam and I talked about:

  • Why he resisted what felt like the logical lure of taking his functional expertise and turning it into a consulting business
  • How he figured out that coaching to the C-Suite was the ideal path for him (and what he had been doing all along)
  • Why listening to your gut and honoring your intuition is the best approach to never working again
  • Adam's 3-step coaching model and how authenticity is the journey of knowing yourself, loving yourself, and trusting yourself

Not going to lie – it was so powerful that I teared up at the end.

Where to dive in:

[5:23] Why would Adam leave the C-Suite to have a coaching business? Hear about how a big shift in the company signaled that the end might be coming and how Adam handled the change.

[8:39] When I heard they gave Adam an outplacement firm, I texted him, "No way! You need to go do your own thing!" Hear why he didn't blow me off and thought there might be a reason not to go after another C-Suite position.

[12:59] Hear the unintended theme that has been coming out of my Getting Started interviews. What is it that truly gets someone to leap into the entrepreneurial journey?

[15:43] Are we fashioning ourselves to what others or a big company want us to be? Tune in for what Adam delivers to his clients and his thoughts on how we shape ourselves.

[18:36] What do you want to be in life? Do you know who you are? Are you comfortable with who you are today? Listen to Adam share about how he felt being unemployed for the first time in his life.

[23:23] How did Adam prevent himself from going down a path that was not right? Can we live an effortless life while providing for ourselves and our families?

[29:12] Hear how Adam let go of his identity as a C-Suite exec and what he found to be the most challenging part of this big shift.

[32:40] How do you balance the critics when you start putting out content versus being an audience of one?

[36:09] Hear Adam's value proposition in light of his journey from C-Suite to C-Suite consultant. You'll hear about his new view of power and how he coaches with this in mind.

[40:00] Tune in to hear how to get ahold of Adam and listen to what he'd tell himself if he could go back in time and talk to himself when he was laid off.

Next steps:

  • Do the work to know yourself, so you're ready to stand up to criticism. Your opinion is the only one that matters.
  • Don't jump on opportunities just because they are available. Go slow to go fast and take the time to start a business that is true to you.
  • Contact someone to support you on your journey from corporate to coaching or consulting. The right person will help you look inward to find the answers.

About My Guest: Adam Schwartz has a passion for helping high-level leaders transform critical challenges into catalysts for greater professional growth and personal success. Combining an extensive executive management background with a coaching practice rooted in self-knowledge and awareness, Adam helps leaders “read the road ahead” with greater clarity, confidence and intention.

Adam has spent his entire career helping leaders position themselves for greater success. Beginning as a Press Secretary on Capitol Hill and later as Chief Communications Officer for a $3B global hospitality firm, Adam has developed a keen ability to help leaders navigate complex issues with competing agendas. As a coach and advisor, he specializes in helping clients apply a greater understanding of self to the practice of leading and empowering others. Connect with Adam on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/schwartzcoach/

About me: The Enough Already podcast is hosted by Betsy Jordyn. My marketing agency and mentoring firm helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand messaging and positioning, create a website presence that position them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. Our mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out our marketing agency services, mentoring programs and courses at https://www.betsyjordyn.com


Download our FREE guide to kickstarting your entrepreneurial journey and building a business that makes money and a difference: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/opt-in

Learn more about our Brand Messaging & Positioning program: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/messaging-positioning

Schedule a consult call to talk about creating your consulting and coaching brand and profitable business: https://www.betsyjordyn.com/schedule

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